Internet Dating

Sooooooooooooooo….I was MIA for a minute but now I’M BACK! Lord have its mercy...I have some old things that ended and some new things that have begun! However, we are just going to ease into it because I need to get my thoughts and story together in writing first before I give it to ya. I must say I have missed all you crazy readers. Now let’s just start with a simple question.
We humans depend on technology and computers for errrrrrrrthang, even finding love. So when all hope is lost offline, some people go online. Giving into the hype and curiosity of internet dating, completely ignoring the fact that 90% of the people are pedophiles, scammers, ex-cons, liars... you name it…it’s out there in cyber space. Do you think that a person can find REAL love with someone they met over the internet? Do you think people who use this alternative method of dating are losers or desperate?
And The Saga Continues....

Pure Madness!!!!

I've always felt the religious values outlined for Islamic women were absolutely ridiculous. This article definitely confirms the foolishness dictated by Islamic men as to what a woman can and can not do. How dumb is this??? 75 years of age & this is the punishment you deem fit for an elderly woman asking for assistance, SMGDH!!!
Let me know your thoughts after reading this nonsense.
Miss Dior ;)