Soooo as I grabbed this morning's AM newspaper, I noticed the cover is yet again plastered with Chris & Rihanna. Now there are rumors the two are recording a duet & of course, the world is mad. Oprah is begging Rihanna to leave Chris, people who aren't even familiar with the situation or the individuals are stating how she's not taking any one's advice, just a pure mess. Why are we so mad she's not listening to anyone?? This non-sense does not involve the world!! If these two individuals feel they want to work pass this as a couple, let them do what they want. It has no bearing on us, the economy, nothing. My personal feelings on this whole madness....She is crazy for going back...If that was something she really wanted, maybe a break would've been the first step & some couples counseling. What people need to understand is the choice is HERS at the end of the day and we should just respect that.
What do you guys think about this whole situation? Should they work it out? Is the media making this worst than what it is? Share your views with us!!!
Miss Dior ;)
I think he should go to the left, and she should go to the right and be done with it.
I personally don't care what they do. She just has to realize that if he busted her up once, he is likely to do it again and the results may be far more damaging. Lose your life and self-respect for a man? She's crazy.
I can agree, let them do wth they want to do, it's obvious their miserable apart, he fucked up, he can seek help and they can keep it moving.
A battered woman is NOT going to leave her abusive partner just because people tell her to. It does not matter if she has thousands of people literally screaming in her ear, "Girl WTF are you doing? You need to leave him before he kills you!" In most cases, woman who are abusive listen with semi-deaf ears. Leaving an abusive partner is something that is done when the person being abused is ready mentally and when a voice in their head goes "ENOUGH!". ..like that Jennifer Lopez movie..lol. Seriously though, Ri-Ri is going to leave when she reaches that point. Hopefully it won't be too late. Right now, there is just so much going on and I can only imagine what this girl is going through. Chris needs serious help. Both if them do. Just pray for them. That's all we can do. They are human just like us. If staying together is what is going to make them happy...Oh well. They are grown and she ain't no sister of mine. If she was, oh then I will be raising HELL to the earth.
Walking with Wisdom Leading My Steps said...
It all falls down to her own decision.. it tore me apart inside to hear how she was abused but I am mentally annoyed by all the tabloids reporting her returning to him after her horrible abuse and Oprah getting involved...
We're just gonna have to sit and watch what the future holds for her based on her decision whether she continues her relationship with him or not and it would be a shame for the whole world to watch if her decision to stay poorly backfires. :/
I, for one, feel that I wouldn't return to a man that would physically abuse me in such a horrible way no matter how LONG we've been together and that decision is sealed tight!
Their entertainment and success influences a lot of young people so for her to return to him brings a twisted perspective for young ladies who inevitably will fall in a similar circumstance to reconsider returning to a man whom has abused them so horribly and I'm afraid to think a woman would love her man more because he "promises" that he will never lay a hand on her again.
It makes you think....should you admire a man for changing in such a fashion so that other young guys would do the same or hate him forever for even laying a hand on her in the first place because wasn't that an unconscious act...a deeply rooted, I meant it due to it be a natural instinct act no matter how much it was reported she may have baited him....
i think that its funny that the world has become so enamourd with these two and their domestic drama
the bottom line is this
either chris is an abuser or he really did just have a lapse in judgment
and either rihanna is extrenmly forgiving, stupid as hell, or really has some dependancy issues.
either way lets let them figure them out and pay attention to more important things like the economy or idk our own lives
love you guys
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