...you weren't around.
I loathe cliche topics and although this falls under the cliche umbrella, something happened to a friend that I really didn't expect and that triggered this topic.
I want to know from the guys, why do you think women cheat... And I believe every female has cheated before, so I want the ladies to tell me what makes them cheat or why they cheated in the past.
Feel free to post anonymously if you are currently cheating and plan to tell me why and don't want your mate to accidentally read this - lol.
I firmly believe that women cheat for emotional reasons - most of the time we lack something in our current relationship and end up seeking it elsewhere. Men on the other hand cheat to soothe their ego or their dicks. It's almost some like men have this innate characteristic that requires them to cheat... lol, whatever.
In the past, I cheated because I wasn't getting the attention I wanted...so I seeked and found it from another man.
I cheated once in the past, wasn't happy about it. But he was always out of town. We get so use to that attention that we become vunerable. It happens but some just cheat because they can.
I don't believe there is a stereotypical answer for why men cheat or why women cheat. There are a lot of men out there that don't cheat, as is there a lot of women that do. I think people cheat for various reasons. I know a lot of women that cheat, cause the love to get their pussy ate. I know men that don't cheat because they got a woman that will do everything imaginable.
It all goes to show, that to lump a gender into a specific stereotype because of what happened to a friend or a series of friends only promulgates an already distorted view of these groups. You can read statistics about how many babies are born in the hood each day and relate that to men sleeping around and getting all these women pregnant, but you don't see the other side that women are the ones allowing it to happen. We don't all cheat, we don't all want to be "babydaddies" and we sure as hell don't all want to sling crack. Not all women are hoes, bitches, or whatever derogatory term you want to infuse into the gender.
People are just people, some people want to be with more than one person, some want to only be with one. There are still tribes in Africa that practice polygamy as an ancestral right of passage and though they can have more than one wife, they have to be prepared and able to take care of them all. However, even those that can, sometimes choose to just be with one. How do you explain that? We're just human! Humans are inherently nomadic beings, moving from one area to the other, from one job to the other, from one house to the other, from one woman/man to another. It's just how it is!!!
Women kill me with that we cheat cuz of emotion bullshyt. Cuz if a dude says we cheat b/c of physical reasons we are azz holes.
Cheating is Cheating ... you cant justify it b/c of any reason. If you are cheating on your man b/c of emotional reason, and your not getting what you want, then break up with him. If a dude is cheating b/c he wants more pussy or he cant keep his dick in his pants, then break up with the chick.
Cheaters are selfish, there is nothing wrong w/ being selfish b/c you have to look out for yourself. But stop w/ this justification bullshyt! You cheated b/c you were selfish, own up to it, and stop with the tired justification about im not getting what i want emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever bytch!!!!
This blog made me cry. Dont ask why...cuz I have way too many reasons for just one answer. *inhale/exhale* But yeah. Great post. Let me take my crybaby ass on somewhere...
I Agree With Vegas International..Please With The Women Cheat For Emotional Reasons..They Are Women That Are Simply Scavengers That Cheat Cause They Want A Nut Or They Want To Be Able To Say They Had Sex With The "Popping Dude" From The "Popping Crew" That Be "Popping Bottles"..Females Use That "Emotional" Excuse Simply To Justif They;re Actions So They Dont Look Like Hoes/Whores/Sluts..If The Louboutins Fit Honey, Show Your Red Bottoms..Ladies, Be Honest With Yourself. && Oh Yea, Theres No Reason For Why People Cheat. When A Person Cheats, They Dont Think About The "Side Effect" Or The "Long Term Consequence" They Just Live For The Moment && Not For The Future
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