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2 days ago
I think our destiny, as she refers to it, is the culmination of our life and I would have to agree with her. I believe our story is already written. However, even with that, we have paths in which we can choose. The end is going to come and whatever that has been predestined to be our conclusion, we have no way of changing, but we can live our life as we see fit.
We can make it as eventful and as fulfilling as we want. We can choose the path less traveled and create a new plot to our story and live it through. It's not changing our destiny or rewriting the story, it's just adding another chapter in the book. Think of it as taking the scenic route to work, rather than the short cut and taking in all the beautiful sights around you and daydreaming about it all, rather than sticking you nose in a book and listening to your iPod.
Your destiny is already written, but your life is yours to do as you wish. You're the author of your story, live your life to the fullest!
Walking with Wisdom Leading My Steps said...
My spirit screams to disagree and yet my mind is open to learning how did she develop that perspective.
I needed to look up the meaning of destiny for my own sake of giving a proper reply...
I googled "define:destiny" and
also searched destiny in dictionary.com and through the multiple options to consider as a definition, I found a match that caught my eye..
an event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future..defined from google
the predetermined, usually inevitable or irresistible, course of events.
In reply to the inevitable...
I feel like we have control over our destinies by the actions we choose to make. There is a way to avoid the inevitable...its as basic as there is a way to avoid debt, to avoid physical abuse, to avoid poverty....all by the choices we make...
In reference to this quote...
"Our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become."
Is that not an influence of having some control of over our destiny?
But then again asking that very question is causing me to contradict myself into confirming that there is an inevitable path that we have to follow so I rephrase my question...
Does this quote not influence the fact that we have control of our future? That our future has not been written and we hold the pen to write it?
I so do agree. Its like pure madness when you think about it. I call it the urgency of your calling! You have to give into it some day!
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