This may seem funny to some, but this is real.
I want to take the time out to remember my lashes.
They were put to rest in 2007 while on a vacation in Vegas. I never even got a chance to experience them, due to malfunctions beyond my control.
Only Indie, Miss Dior and Maia remember what happened, how it happened and most importantly - why it will NEVER happen again.
I have finally moved on!
LMMFAOOOOOOOOO...R.I.P dear lashes for you will never be forgotten!! Your time with us may have been short, but you were loved deeply!!
Karrie, I know this was hard for you to move from but I'm proud of you boo....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Well know that you've provided me with THE best laugh of the day...I will return to my QT ;)
Miss Dior
HAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa...Oh goodness..I can't. I know this was very painful for you Karrie but I so needed this laugh today.
I almost chocked when I saw the big picture of the
Ok..I'm done.
RIP to the Fab Lashes. Vegas will never be the same again but I'm glad you have moved on.
Hahahahaha....hahahahaha...wait i need to catch my breath cause i am just continuously convulsing in spurts of laughter...lolol...this was very good times, whoa...sorry bout the lashes Karrie...hehehehe...RIP!!!
I am little hurt that all 3 of your comments start with some form of laughter but I did say I moved on right?
That was a very sad experience for me. From the moment Maia said she knew how to put the lashes on me on to the moment Miss Dior yelled out "OMG, her eye, her eye!!!" to the moment Indie fell flat to the floor in laughter and tears.
I can't believe ya'll.
OMG.. how could i forget the moment i RIPPED them off my REAL lashes and almost risked being in Vegas on VACATION with NO lashes... REAL or not.
I'm bringing back memories.
I gotta go now.
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