
Question from a Reader - Does All Truth Really Come to Light ?

Here's a question that was submitted to our inbox from someone who wants to know what people think. Since we have some opinionated readers, I figured I'd let you all answer.

*Please note that this question is not verbatim - it has been edited [just a bit] to help viewers better understand. In other words, this was not so legible. People, please proofread or spellcheck your work prior to submitting anything to fab4life.blog@gmail.com, thanks.*

Here goes:

You know the saying "All truth comes to light" right? Do you think it's true? Or are there some things that never make it to light? I'm seeing this dude and I care about him, but there's somethings I just can't tell him about shit that happened in the past. I'm sure he's keeping shit away from me too, and it's cool, but I don't wanna be with him and 4 years from now, something comes to light that fucks my shit up, ya digg? So, does shit come to light eventually? Should I tell him? We been together for like 5 months and I know he's the one.

Who does she think I am? God? LMAO! No offense Miss Anonymous ... just trying to keep the humor.
So people? If you got something REAL to say ... TALK.


Vegas International said...
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Vegas International said...

Here is how you know if it will come to light ....

First and foremost - How many people know? Two people can keep a secret, Three or more people wont. The 3rd party has no vested interest in keeping the secret!

Second thing is, does anyone gain from your secret if it comes out! If someone can gain from it, it can come out.

So it all depends on those things, hope i was of assistance. Karrie, what kind of columnist are you? You cant give good advice or your opinion!!