Looking at my digital Brookstone alarm clock ... it's about 12:07am. I'm under my Ralph Lauren comforter thinking of something to blog about on RTRW. Writer's block sucks.
Just got out a nice hot shower. Exhausted. Hungry. But fuck all that ... I'm horny as hell.
He's not around and won't be for another day or two and Toy is somewhere in the Linen Closet, chillin'... Or maybe even hiding. Smh.
What's a girl to do...?
Usually when He isn't around, Toy usually holds me down. Toy isn't as good, but he does the job ... Sometimes. Toy does what the fuck I want, when the fuck I want, how the fuck I want. As much as I love to take demands, Toy doesn't give me any. Which works for our kinda relationship.
Him on the other hand, does the job ALL the time.
12:26am now. I realize that I need to think much faster - either about an interesting blog topic or a way to pacify my throbbing clit.
Damnit. RTRW can wait. Besides, I wrote earlier today.
Now back to the matter at hand. Should I wait? Or should I give Toy a shout?
I decide to make a mad dash for Toy ...hoping he doesn't see me before I see him and hide himself Between The Sheets [love that song]. I go in the Linen Closet and look on my stop shelf. Nothing. Now I'm looking under my sheets, over the towels ... NOTHING.
Grrrr... Ain't this a B! I can't find Toy. And I don't want any other toy BUT Toy [yes I'm spoiled! so the fuck what?]. Why would he be hiding? I don't use him that much.
12:41am. Ugh!
Think Karrie, think... I grab my BB Curve, type in my password, scroll over to my BBM icon ... scroll down to His name. I type "Hey, do you think you can swing by for a lil, we need to talk". [This always works]. Then hit send.
As I await the response that may or may not cool this heat from rising beneath me, I pull out my laptop, open up Firefox, type in blogger.com and start brainstorming.
To Be Continued.
Dammit..what the hell Karrie! It's 6:41am as I type this and I'm reading this getting all excited like... FIND TOY BITCH!...lol. Your such an effing tease. Ok..getting ready for work now :-(. HAPPY TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow this is crazy i just began writing a blog about toys!
Okay, I like!!!
You officially got me hooked on your love jones...lol. Let's GO!!
Hurry up with the continuation!
Lord Karrie....You've truly put me in a frenzy reading this!! This definitely calls for a trip down to TOYLAND as we like to call ;) MEZAMI...Gotta go make a phone call, LOL
Miss Dior!
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